Friday, 22 October 2010

Music History - Middle Ages, Renaissance

In the Middle Ages, secular music started to become popular.  They are music that is not related to religious, and they express personal feelings.  Troubadours are the one who travelled around and sing secular music to earn money.
At this stage, homophonic music is started.  As troubadours usually play harp when they sing, the harp became the accompaniment.  This kind of "one melody and an accompaniment" is called homophony.

(They use lute as accompaniment)

The well-known Black Death was occurred in c. 1350 - 1450.  The plague was spread very quickly the reason of this was because of the flea from the animals that people live with.  People used to sleep with their pets as they are warm.  The fleas on the animals jumped to the people and make them sick.  As the medical knowledge at that time was not god enough to fight against this plague, three quarters of people in Europe were dead because of this plague.  After that, the Renaissance period finally came.

After the Black Death, the people remained were not controlled by the church anymore.  Learning was not the scarce thing to do by the priests anymore, anybody has the right to learn; Music, art and science was developed rapidly.  This is Renaissance period, which is "The Age of Enlightenment".

Instrumental music were also started in this period.  Small orchestra with ancient woodwind and string were beginning to form.  Composition techniques such as ostinato, false relation, suspension are being used in Renaissance music.
(Different kinds of instruments are being used in Renaissance period in the small orchestra)

Here is a link for Dowland's Flow my Tears :

Enjoy! :)

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