Monday 1 November 2010

CSVPA Music Concert Series Vol.1

The first concert was held in 21st, Oct, 2010, with the main theme of Halloween.  It started at 6:00 pm and last for one and half hour.  All the audiences were all very enjoy and we gained a lot of experiences too!

Here is the flow of pieces at that night :

1.    Jazz Jam                               by David, Michael, Hyuk and Brian
2.    Cry Me a River                       by Gabi, David, Hyuk and Michael
3.    Consolation                            by Sanly
4.    Make You Feel My Love          by Laysan and Sanly
5.    Nocturne                                by Arion
6.    La Parstorella                         by Cindy, Arion and Brian
7.    Pirates of Caribbean Medley  by David, Michael, Hyuk and Brian

The first, second and the fourth piece are modern pieces while the others are classical pieces.  Although there is a little problem with David's violin at the beginning, Kyna helped to fix the violin and the flow and continue very fluently throughout the concert.  There is no really serious mistakes and everyone did enjoy their pieces.  This made the audience felt very comfortable and entertaining!

Everyone dressed up and did make-up on our faces to look scary and funny, because this is a halloween concert!  Fortunately, the audience was not scared away by our faces! :D
All of us went to McDonalds to celebrate afterwards.  We felt very successful and glad that audience were really into the music made by us.  Hope that the series can make everybody enjoy music!

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